Effective Techniques to Enhance Athletes’ Safety: Is Your Message Getting Through?


Course Description

Course Description:

Recent developments within the sports medicine field to promote athlete safety includes education provided to athletic coaches, parents, and athletes at various levels of competition regarding serious sports related injuries, including sport-related concussions (SRCs). With the serious nature of these sports-related injuries, an incidence reduction of these injuries may occur with appropriate education to athletic personnel as well as implementation of safeguards throughout the health care process of the athlete. In this course, lecture will be implemented to achieve the stated objectives. The instructor will provide an overarching review of the literature as it pertains to effective techniques to enhance athletes’ safety which includes initial recognition of concussion injuries in youth athletes. As the literature and recommendations are reviewed to support the need to update mandatory educational programming for various audiences, the participants will reflect and critique their own educational plans to mitigate the risk of continued participation after serious sports injury and identify essential areas needing remediation in current educational programming.

Contact Hours: 2
Video Course Format: Video
Target Audience:
Instructional Level: Intermediate BOC Level of Difficulty: Advanced